Cross Remittance is
more secure, fast,
and cost-effective

than other existing services.

Start now

Overseas remittances through banks
are expensive and slow.

Banks use intermediaries for overseas remittances that slow down the crediting process.

Overseas remittances with Cross
are cheap and fast.

Cross replaces intermediaries with cutting-edge financial infrastructure technology,
making cheaper but faster transfers possible.

Cross is a trustworthy remittance service provider
that is licensed by the Korean government.

(Small-Sum Overseas Remittance Business no. 2020-2)

Service guide per country

You can send to {$ countries.length $} countries with Cross.

Your Remittance Hero +> CROSS
{$ countryInfo.name $} Coming soon.

{$ countryInfo.name $} | {$ countryInfo.currentPlatform.remit_type_name $}

Transfer limit

  • • Minimum per transaction {$ countryInfo.currentPlatform.remit_range_type === 'krw_amount' ? countryInfo.currentPlatform.min_remit : countryInfo.currentPlatform.min_receive_amount |_won $} {$ countryInfo.currentPlatform.remit_range_type === 'krw_amount' ? 'KRW' : countryInfo.currency $}
  • • Maximum per transaction {$ countryInfo.currentPlatform.remit_range_type === 'krw_amount' ? countryInfo.currentPlatform.max_remit : countryInfo.currentPlatform.max_receive_amount |_won $} {$ countryInfo.currentPlatform.remit_range_type === 'krw_amount' ? 'KRW' : countryInfo.currency $}
  • • Daily limit 10,000,000 KRW (Accumulated)
  • • Yearly limit 50,000 USD (Accumulated)

Transfer fee

  • • {$ selectedFeeMaxPercentage $}%
  • • Min {$ countryInfo.currentPlatform.base_fee|_won $} KRW
  • • Fixed fee of KRW {$ countryInfo.currentPlatform.base_fee|_won $}
  • • Max {$ selectedFeeMax $} KRW

Deposit process

1. Double check the virtual account number.

2. Using your registered account with Cross,
deposit the exact amount to the issued virtual account.

3. A confirmation text will be received after the correct amount is deposited.

1. Deposit is made using another account (not the bank account registered with Cross)

2. Deposit is made using a third-party app (Toss, KakaoPay)

3. Deposit is made after 2 hours since requesting

4. Bank System Maintenance: (Everyday) 23:30~00:30 / (Sat) 23:30 ~ (Sun) 04:30
